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TV critic Melissa Girimonte, also known as The Televixen, hosts Fem TV, an interview series featuring real stories of women working in the TV industry. Created to celebrate women in television, Fem TV aims to inspire, educate and entertain.

Jun 16, 2017

Episode 17 features Rachel Stuhler, a writer and former script supervisor. Her writing credits include TV movies such as Kristen’s Christmas Past on Lifetime, and Love Takes Wing on Hallmark.

Right now, Rachel is part of a writing team that is creating a serialized e-book called Geek Actually. We discuss what the project has in common with serialized TV, and how it could easily translate to the small screen.

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Fem TV is part of Permanent RCRD, an independent podcast network based in Austin, TX, focused on producing high quality shows for TV and pop culture obsessives.